2020-07-22 17:22:06

Shafaq News / The President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani announced on Wednesday his support for Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by ISIS (UNITAD), in order to ensure justice for the organization’s victims and to prosecute and punish the implicated persons.

A statement from the Presidency of the region, received by Shafaq news agency, said that “Barzani received the special Adviser of the UNITAD Karim Khan. Together, they discussed the UNITAD’s mission and the impact of Coronavirus pandemic on its accomplishment.

They stressed the importance of the coordination between Iraq and Kurdistan with the international team in an effort the seek justice of ISIS’ victims. Those efforts lead to restore confidence, stability, coexistence, and required to implement reconstruction, as well as the return of the displaced”.

The statement added, “Barzani values the team and encourages it to implement the UNITAD on the specific times and schedules which is in the interest of all Iraqi people, as all of them are victims of ISIS”.

The statement noted that the law amendment related to managing the process of judging criminals, educating coexistence and tolerance, prevent the recurrence of crimes, collecting and documenting evidences electronically, training judges, and working in accordance with the international principles were main topic of the meeting”.

In addition, the statement pointed out that “Karim Khan renewed his thanks to Barzani's support, as well as the cooperation and coordination of Kurdistan Region.