2019-10-15 12:26:49

Shafaq News/ The senior British adviser to the Middle East said on Tuesday that Britain is ready to continue the process of reforming and training Peshmerga forces in Kurdistan region.

This took place during a meeting with the President of the region, Nechirvan Barzani, according to a presidential statement issued today.

"The ongoing support of Britain and the international community is needed to protect the gains of the victory over terrorism and to intercept the threat of the re-emergence of ISIS," Barzani confirmed.

For his part, General Lorimer expressed Britain's commitment to continue to support and help Kurdistan region and Iraq in facing threats of terrorism, and stressed his country's readiness to continue to assist the Ministry of Peshmerga affairs in the process of reform and training and training of Peshmerga, and expressed satisfaction with the cooperation of the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs in this area.

The statement said that during the meeting attended by the Minister of Peshmerga and the British Consul General in Kurdistan Region, the two sides discussed the importance of coordination between Peshmerga and the Iraqi army in the disputed areas and in facing the resurgence of terrorism, the relations of Erbil-Baghdad, the situation of Iraq and demonstrations in Baghdad and provinces as well as other developments in Syria, military operations in the east of the Euphrates in particular, and the humanitarian situation and conditions in the region in general.