2019-08-12 10:59:08

Shafaq News/ Some of ISIS members have joined the ranks of Badr and Asaib Ahl al-Haq forces in the Popular Crowd in the disputed Kufri district between Erbil and Baghdad, a Peshmerga official said Monday.

"According to the information available to us, dangerous elements of ISIS have been involved in two ranks of the Popular Crowds Units in Kufri district,", adding that "the two factions are Badr forces and Asaib Ahl al-Haq."

He pointed out that among the names that joined the factions are: Montaser Al-Karwi, Saad Al-Karawi, Ahmad Talal, Ziad Manaf, Ahmad Yusuf, Anmar Ahmad Yusuf, Hassan Jadoom, Saif Al-Kouri, pointing out that these elements are targeting Kurdish villages in Jalwla and surrounding areas .