2019-12-05 10:01:13

Shafaq News/ The President of Kurdistan region and the commander of Peshmerga forces, Nechirvan Barzani said on Thursday that a series of attacks were launched by ISIS in recent months in Kirkuk province and the region of Kermian which proves the fact that ISIS is not over.

Barzani said in a statement in response to the attack on Koljo district that "the attack by ISIS on one of Peshmerga Brigades of Kurdistan in Khanaqin, which came after a series of terrorist operations in recent months in the outskirts of Kirkuk and Kermian, proves the fact that ISIS is not over and remains a threat to the security and stability, the war to eradicate this stubborn enemy of humanity continues."

Barzani saluted the victims of Peshmerga forces who were killed in ISIS attack last night, saying, `` We assure the citizens of Kurdistan that Peshmerga forces and other armed forces of Kurdistan are ready as always to respond and destroy any terrorist movement to protect the people and territory of Kurdistan from any danger. ''

"We renew that ISIS is still a threat to peace and security in Kurdistan, Iraq, the region and the world, and we are confident that this terrorist organization is regrouping and exploiting the conditions to expand its terrorist operations," Barzani said.

`` The coalition against ISIS should continue with the same strength and enthusiasm as before and not allow terrorists to take advantage of the unfavorable situation in Iraq and the region, and intensify efforts to accelerate the end of the crisis in Iraq to restore stability, '' he said.

A police source in the administration of "Kermian" had reported earlier today that the attack launched by ISIS operatives last night in "Deka" village of Koljo district killed three and injured two of Peshmerga forces.