2020-06-07 13:11:41

Shafaq News / A new death with Corona Virus (Covid-19) was registered in the fifth case to be recorded within the past 24 hours, accordong to the Directorate of Sulaymaniyah Health data.

“The dead man, 55, works as an employee in Sulaymaniyah Electricity Department, The spokesperson of the Directorate, Dr. Yad Naqshbandi told Shafaq News agency.

This brings deaths figures in Kurdistan Region since the outbreak of the pandemic until now to 25 cases.

The Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) announced earlier today the death of four people infected with the emerging coronavirus in Sulaymaniyah city.

The ministry said also in a statement that four people infected with the novel coronavirus ; a man and three women from Sulaimaniyah city died after being hospitalized and having developed severe symptoms .

There remain 750 active cases of the overall 1,222 case total that has been recorded by since the beginning of the outbreak.

Sulaymaniyah is currently the COVID-19 epicenter in the Kurdistan Region with 538 confirmed cases