2020-04-13 13:29:30

Shafaq News / The Emir of the Yazidi community in Iraq and the world Hazem Tahsin Bek directed on Monday to cancel the Yezidi New Year celebrations "Sari Sal", which falls on Wednesday, to prevent corona virus.

Tahsin Bek called to "abide by the instructions and decisions taken by Kurdistan Regional Government, in order to prevent the outbreak of Corona virus in the region."

Tahsin Bek directed the citizens of the Yazidi community to "not hold any gatherings and celebrations for Yazidi New Year" Sari Sal ", calling them to" stay home and celebrate inside the homes. "

Yazidis held annually held celebration at Lalish Temple in Sheikhan district, near Dohuk to celebrate the Yazidi New Year holiday, known as the "Sari Sal  " festival.

At the foot of the mountain road leading to Lalish Temple, the Yezidis take off their shoes and continue walking barefoot as a vow to approach the deity.

Between the hills, the Yezidis gather to pray to the god, carrying stones with sticks of fire on them and light 365 candelas, seeking good and safety throughout the year. Among the traditions they perform on this holiday is boiling and coloring eggs, as the Yezidis believe that the egg symbolizes what they call the "white pearl" and from which the whole world is formed according to their belief.

Boiling eggs also symbolize Yezidi belief in land formation, childbirth, and the resurgence of life. To signify a new year, the Yezidis hang colored egg shells and anemones by dough on the doors of homes.