2020-05-20 11:24:42

Shafaq News / 7 new infections with Corona virus have been recorded in Erbil governorate, The Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Region announced on Wednesday.

A statement received by Shafaq News Agency said that the ministry continued to conduct tests and search for suspected people with the virus, 7 new infections were diagnosed with Corona in Erbil governorate.

The infected person is a 35-year-old woman; two girls aged 15 and 9, pointing out that the infected women were in contact with previous patients in "Qatwi" neighborhood in Erbil city.

The statement added that four other men were also infected aged 53, 42, 42 and 29, who were in contact with other patients recorded yesterday, noting that the infected people are residents of "Shawis" , "Benslawah" neighborhoods and Garmiyan region.