2020-06-04 11:58:36

Shafaq News / Over the past 24 hours , the Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) announced that it has recorded 61 novel Covid-19 cases.

“ The ministry imposed quarantine on 12422 citizens coming from foreign countries, who were found to have been infected with the virus,  while 1058 left 33 quarantine, KRG Ministry of Health said in statement .

The statement added that during the past 24 hours, 3555 tests were conducted at the level of Kurdistan Region, as follows: 1419 tests in Erbil, 1478 tests in Sulaymaniyah, 601 tests in Dohuk, 4 in Garmiyan region, and 48 in Raprin District.

The statement clarified that the tests results during the 24 hours showed 61 positive cases, as follows: 4 in Erbil, 57 in Sulaymaniyah, two from Germiyan, and 7 from Raprin.

The statement outlined the total number of new cases of COVID-19 virus in Kurdistan Region with 910 confirmed cases, including 16 deaths, 441   recoveries, with 453 patients remaining under medical care.