2020-07-22 12:01:16

Shafaq News / The Committee for the Prevention of Torture, "CPT", announced that more than 180 civilians were killed and injured in areas of the Kurdistan Region as a result of the Turkish bombing over the past five years.

The organization said in a report, reviewed by Shafaq News agency, that from August 2015 until now, 85 civilians were killed in the border areas of the Region of Kurdistan by Turkish attacks.

It added that 15 civilians were killed and 95 were injured during the first half of the current year.

The report highlighted the evacuation of hundreds of villages in the border areas of the region due to the Turkish bombing.

Ankara has intensified its bombing of the border areas in Kurdistan Region and launched multiple ground incursions since mid-June last, leaving human and material losses.

Turkey says it is targeting the PKK elements against Ankara.

The bombing sparked condemnation of Kurdistan Regional Government, which also demanded Kurdistan Workers' fighters to leave the region to avoid tensions.

Baghdad also condemned the Turkish attacks and summoned the Turkish ambassador twice and delivered two strongly worded protest notes, and the federal government deployed border guards at several points in the Duhok governorate on the Turkish border.