2020-04-07 12:41:49

Shafaq News / The head of the Foreign Relations Department of Kurdistan Regional Government, Safeen Dazie said that the genocide of the Faili Kurds was a major crime that targeted the Kurdish people.

"40 years ago, the Baath regime in Iraq carried out a genocide against 12000 Faili Kurds," Dazei said in a statement.

He added, "We always remember the victims of this crime that was committed against this important part of the Kurdish people."

The President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani called on the federal government to compensate Faili Kurds for the damage they suffered as a result of the practices of the previous regime against them.

Barzani said in a statement, "On the 40th anniversary of the genocide and the crime of deportation and absenteeism of Faili Kurds, which was another episode in the chain of crimes of the Ba'ath regime against the Kurdish people, we bow to the honor of the pure lives of Faili Kurdish martyrs and remember them with appreciation and honor."

He added that the process of deporting and displacing hundreds of thousands of Faili Kurds, absenting tens of thousands of others and confiscating their money and property and withdrawing citizenship from them, only because they were Kurds and because they supported the revolution and the rights of their people, was a crime of genocide committed against the Faili Kurds.

The President of Kurdistan Region added by saying that on this anniversary, because the Iraqi High Court for Crimes has considered this Baath crime a crime of genocide, we renew our demand for the Iraqi government to compensate Faili Kurds and perform their legal and moral obligations towards them, as we demand that they solve the problem of returning citizenship and their property confiscated.