2020-04-21 21:57:12

Shafaaq News/ Religious scholars and a Kurdish Islamic party demanded on Tuesday, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to reconsider the decision of closing mosques due to corona epidemic and to open them again. Taking into consideration the “bad psychological state of Muslims “by the beginning of Ramadan. And while they stressed on committing to the health measures to combat the epidemic as they affirmed that the decision of opening mosques will bring “ pleasure “ to the hearts of worshippers.

In a statement received by Shafaq news, the union’s executive office said , “ it’s clear to everyone that the absence of worshippers in mosques and not holding Friday prayers caused the citizens to receive Ramadan with sad hearts . 


The statement added “ in the name of the union, all religious scholars and all Kurdish Muslims , we demand the presidency of the council of ministers and the high committee to combat coronavirus, to reconsider the decision of closing mosques and understand the psychological health of Muslims and their love for Friday prayers and Tarawih (The extra night prayer performed in Ramadan), taking into consideration all health measures. Especially after opening some markets and public places . 


The statement also pointed out to” the possibility of issuing new instructions that allow opening some mosques and bringing pleasure to the hearts of worshippers “
For it’s part the institutions of Islamic scholars and scholars of the Kurdish Islamic union also called KRG to open mosques that were closed due to corona epidemic with the approaching month of Ramadan .


A member of the foundation, Jafar muhammed , stated at a press conference that “ the concerned authorities in the ministries of endowments , health , governors and administrative units should provide facilities to reopen mosques according to special instructions, especially in cities and towns where coronavirus did not spread . 


It is expected that next Friday , April 24th would be the first of Ramadan . As a committee will prove the legal vision in the ministry of Endowment and religious affairs of Kurdistan next Wednesday evening to determine the first day of Ramadan