2020-07-16 21:29:30

Shafaq News / Kifri district unit affiliated to Garmyan confirmed today, Thursday, the recovery of commercial and economic activity with the governorates of Kurdistan Region, despite the restrictions of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The District Kaimakam Jalal Nuri told Shafaq News agency, "The commercial exchanges between Kifri and the region are proceeding well, without facing any problems or obstacles, that  prevented any food crises occurring in Garmyan and the neighboring governorates".

in the context of Covid19, , Nuri explained, "The pandemic is under control in the district, and the infected cases did not exceed 50 which are distributed in quarantine centers and homes, and many of them recovered from the virus".

He pointed out to "the formation of oversight committees in markets, shops and government departments to impose preventive measures and health and social awareness regarding the health threat”.

The Kifri district is located to the south of Al-Sulaymaniyah Governorate and it is administratively affiliated to Garmyan, after it was followed to Diyala.

 Kifri was annexed to Kurdistan by the previous regime for political and demographic reasons.