2020-06-03 14:38:37

Shafaq News / Dohuk Governorate Department announced on Wednesday, the extension of lockdown measures throughout the province for the next 24 hours, with easing procedures.

Relaxing the procedures comes within the framework of giving way to daily workers to earn a living, Farhad Atruchi, Governor of Duhok said in a press conference attended by Shafaq News Agency.

He explained that relaxing procedures includes opening places that were opened before the first of June, except for cafeterias, casinos and places of worship, while continuing to close wedding and condolences halls.

The Governor of Duhok confirmed the implementation of deterrent measures against violators of the preventive measures that will determine the conditions of work in the sites that are permitted to resume work, especially shops and inside taxis.

Atrushi called Duhok residents to be cautious and commit to health guidelines and directives, especially after the high rate of corona infection in the province.

The new measures to ease the curfew come after similar measures taken by Erbil and Sulaymaniyah following protests by local businesses owners demanding to cancel the lockdown and allow them to open again after the Ministry of Interior imposed a complete curfew in the cities of the region until the 6th  of June.

For his part, Director of Duhok Health Department, Nizar Esmat said that 70 people infected with the virus are currently in hospital, noting that the new cases were imported from outside the province.

Nizar talked on the details of a feast that caused dozens of infections as one of the infected people, who invited more than 100 people in his house had contacted other people, declaring that 500 people are under test after they were in contact with previous patients.

In just two days, Dohuk recorded more than 50 cases of Coronavirus, all of people who received the infection from participants in a food feast.