2020-04-08 11:51:11

Shafaq News / The head of the local government in Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan Region, Firsat Sofi on Wednesday, to provide the farmers with the necessary facilities to complete their work.

Sofi said in a joint press conference held with the Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources in Kurdistan Region Parliament ,Abdul-Sattar Majeed attended by the reporter of Shafaq News, "We have listened to the directions of the Agriculture Committee and we want to assure the farmers that we will provide them with all facilities.

"We will work to ensure that agricultural and poultry projects do not stop," he added.

For his part, Majeed said during the conference, " Kurdistan region believe that we need to rely on ourselves due to the trade movement with neighboring countries because of Corona."

He added, "We promised to provide all facilities to the farmers, but in return they must also abide by health instructions."

Because of the preventive measures to curb the spread of Corona virus in Kurdistan Region, farmers are suffering from the problem of going to their farms with the onset of spring and summer demand.

There are dozens of poultry farms on the outskirts of Erbil governorate, as their owners cannot easily access them due to the curfew.