2020-04-06 11:18:41

Shafaq News / The Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Region announced on Monday that it has recorded 41 new cases of corona virus.

The ministry said in a statement today that it has recorded 41 new infections with Corona virus in Erbil city for 17 women, 15 men and 9 children of different ages.

The ministry pointed out that the recorded infections were two in Soran District, 3 in Sidkan district, one in Haljah Pechok village and 35 cases in Erbil city distributed in the following neighborhoods: (Kani Gil, Alton City, Sheikh Ahmed, Karizan, Zanko, Jannar , Mamostian, 121 Golan, and Zylan City).

The ministry stated that most of the infected people were in contact with the condolence gatherings in Karizan neighborhood, adding that the two infected people had traveled previously.