2020-06-21 19:21:03

Shafaq News / The governor of Erbil, Firsat Sofi, warned today, Sunday, that the virus would spread in the governorate if the citizens do not adhere to the preventive measures.

Erbil registered 853 Covid-19 case, 14 of which passed away and 474 recovered.

Sofi told Shafaq News agency that, in order to prevent the spread of the virus, citizens must wear medical masks outdoors; pointing that the situation is still under the control of the government but any violation of the measures would increase the spread of the virus.

Sofi explained that suspending the official working hours requires a governmental resolution. However, he stressed that a team from the governorate will shut down the departments that demonstrate any features of overcrowding or non-compliance to preventive measures, indicating that similar actions will be taken in the department where a contact with Covid-19 case is discovered.