2020-05-14 11:46:20

Shafaq News / The absence of Kurdistan Parliament Speaker, Rewaz Faeq has suspended holding a meeting by the heads of political blocs in the Regional Parliament to contain the tension that resulted after lifting of immunity from a parliamentarian.

On May 7, Kurdistan Regional Parliament voted by majority of attendees to lift immunity of the member from the Islamic Group bloc, Soran Omar Saeed, in which Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) deputies have boycotted , which sparked widespread controversy in the region.

A member of the Presidency of Kurdistan Region Parliament, Heimen Hawrami announced that Soran Omar Saeed, whose immunity has been lifted will appear in court for defamation.

Omar had accused the Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region, Masrour Barzani of having a bank and a company, but the media office of the latter demanded the first to provide evidence of his allegations or assume legal responsibility for misleading public opinion.

For her part, Kurdistan Parliament Speaker , Rewaz Faeq said in an interview with reporters, “I received a note from the heads of the blocs and I will discuss them and I take my decision in a meeting with them, but today’s meeting has been postponed, so we will decide when and where we will meet with these blocs.”

"I am worried about this situation. I will not call for a parliament session if it is not beneficial to the people of Kurdistan,” she added.