2020-06-27 15:40:57

Shafaq News/ Al- Sulaymaniyah governorate decided to suspend official working in governmental departments except internal security, health and basic services of citizens until the fourth of July.

The chief of Operations in Al-Sulaymaniyah, Hafal Abu Baker, said in a statement to Shafaq News agency that, "the movement between the governorate and other governorates, inside and outside the region, is banned until July 1", except for urgencies.

“As for the movement of foreign diplomats and coalition forces, it will be in cooperation with the Department of Foreign Relations", and on UN agencies and other international organizations, the statement indicated that, "the Joint crises coordination (JCC) in the Ministry of Interior will issue their grants".

Meanwhile, Raperin administration announced, On Saturday, the extension of the suspension of official working hours in the governmental departments and institutions for a full week.

For its part, Diyala governorate, registered 1122 cases since the beginning of the outbreak, including 611 inpatients, while registering 65 fatalities and 102 recoveries.

Diyala also extended the curfew for another week, starting from today, Saturday.