2020-07-23 20:01:31

Shafaq News / Finland expressed on Thursday its readiness to support the, noting that it is urging its country's companies to invest in Iraq and the region.

This came during the reception of Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, the Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto and his accompanying delegation in Erbil.

A statement issued by the Kurdish Government, reported to Shafaq News agency said , that "the meeting discussed the latest developments in Iraq and the region, and ways to enhance relations between Kurdistan and Finland."

For its part, The Finnish Foreign Minister expressed his country's readiness to continue to assist Peshmerga forces in the framework of the international coalition against ISIS, and said: "We urge our Finnish investors to invest in Iraq and the Region."

During the reception, the Prime Minister highlighted the ongoing administrative and financial reforms in the Region, especially in the agricultural and industrial sectors.

He said, "We welcome the Finnish consulate in Erbil, this will to strengthen our economic relations with Finland, in order to benefit from its experiences, especially in the economic field."

The Finnish minister had arrived in Erbil earlier Thursday as part of an official visit to Iraq and met the President of the region, Nechirvan Barzani, after he had meetings in Baghdad with officials of the federal government.