2020-07-21 14:20:01

Shafaq News/ Gorran Movement called on, on Tuesday, all blocs in Kurdistan Regional Parliament to exert pressure to re-convene the sessions again.

The bloc said in a statement, received by Shafaq News agency, that the Region of Kurdistan is currently going through a difficult situation, adding that the parliament must play an important role in determining the issues and treating them by implementing "a comprehensive reform".

The statement deplored Kurdistan Parliament’s involvement in the partisan conflicts, holding the Presidential committee the responsibility of suspending the parliament's activity.

The statement stated, "all the parliamentary blocs must coordinate with each other and exert pressure to resume the sessions."

On Monday, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan decided to suspend its attendance at the regional parliament’s sessions, including Parliament Speaker Riwaz Fayeq, the party's leader, following its dispute with Kurdistan Democratic Party, the two largest parties in the region.

Kurdistan Democratic Party bloc criticized earlier today the decision of the National Union bloc to suspend its attendance at the sessions of the Parliament of the Kurdistan Region.