2020-05-07 14:56:25

Shafaq News / The head of the parliamentary change movement, Ali Hama Saleh did not rule out on Thursday that he would be fined an amount of one billion Iraqi dinars on the background of the charges against him.

Saleh was among the four deputies whose names were proposed to lift their immunity at a session of Kurdistan Regional Parliament.

" lifting of immunity is a political issue not very important for us," Saleh said after the session at a news conference attended by Shafaq News reporter.

He pointed out that 8 lawsuits have been files against him and perhaps will he would be fined by millions of dinars or even a billion, adding that "lifting the immunity of MPs is a wrong message at the moment."

Kurdistan Regional Parliament voted earlier by majority to lift the immunity of the member of the Islamic Group bloc Soran Omar Saeed.

Omar had accused the Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region, Masrour Barzani of having a owning a bank and a company, but the media office of the latter demanded the first to provide evidence of his allegations or assume legal responsibility for misleading public opinion.

On Thursday, Kurdistan Regional Parliament voted with majority to lift the immunity of the member from the Islamic Group bloc, Soran Omar Saeed.

Kurdistan Regional Parliament held a session on Thursday to lift immunity of a number of its members amid its president, Riaz Faeq boycott to the session.

The regional parliament began to hold the session, headed by First Vice-President , Himen Hawrami  after the quorum was completed, in the presence of 58 MPs.

Hawrami rejected in a statement a request made by a number of deputies to delete a paragraph concerning withdrawing confidence of a number of members, stressing that the request violates the internal system.

Shafaq News correspondent said that the attendees refused to lift the immunity of (Omid Abdel Rahman Hassan, Ali Hama Saleh and Sherine Amin Abdel Ghaffour).

The correspondent added that Parliament voted 57 votes overwhelmingly to lift the immunity from (Soran Omar Saeed).

The session chairman instructed the legal committee to take the necessary measures after lifting immunity from Saeed.

Parliament Speaker , Rewaz Faeq said yesterday in an interview with reporters from inside the parliament that she is not satisfied with holding a session that includes immunity lifting of members of Parliament.