2017-03-06 18:40:00
In a statement on Sunday marking 1991 Kurdish uprising, the President of the Kurdistan Region Masoud Barzani stated that Kurdistan deserves ‘full liberation’ after all the sacrifices made by the people of the Region. “We celebrate the uprising anniversary at a time that our Peshmerga forces have achieved big successes in the battle against the Da’esh terrorists,” Barzani stated, using Arabic acronym for the Islamic State (IS). “The people of the Kurdistan Region have made many sacrifices and have endured much hardships. Therefore, the most loyal response to [Kurdish] uprising, Peshmerga, and sacrifices of Kurdistan people is independence and full liberation,” Barzani continued. The President informed the people of the Kurdistan Region that a bright future is waiting for Kurdistan, and Kurdish sacrifices will result in an investment. He also reminded people that Kurdistan Region is passing through a sensitive time, asking everyone to act responsibly, unite and consider the high interests of Kurdistan to ensure victories and pass the sensitive period. President Barzani in the past few years has called for a referendum and self-determination, stating the people of the Kurdistan Region have the right to decide on their future whether they want to remain as part of Iraq or secede. Following the emergence of the IS in Mosul and northern Iraq, Kurdish Peshmerga forces have been successful in defeating the extremist group. Peshmerga is labeled as one of the most efficient ground troops in defeating IS. “Peshmerga forces have destroyed the IS myth,” Barzani said previously.