2020-05-23 20:34:39

Shafaq News / The Ministry of Interior of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) announced on Saturday, that it will implement the measures to total lockdown from midnight on Sunday, the first day of Eid, in which no businesses and public or private places will be allowed to open.

The statement also allowed telecommunications companies to roam for the purpose of maintaining communication lines only, Fruit and vegetable stands will also be permitted to resume business by car within residential neighborhoods, provided the conditions and health instructions.

The statement noted that bakeries will be allowed to reopen from 6am to 12pm., provided that the distance between one person and another is not less than 1.5 meters while buying bread.

The statement also allowed employees of media organizations to carry out their duties during Eid, on condition that they carry a permission paper of duty issued by their institutions for the day they work.

The statement reaffirmed that it will be implemented from 12 midnight of Sunday, 23/5/2020.

Lockdown measures were gradually lifted as rates of infection reduced, allowing shops, mosques and churches to reopen and non-essential traffic to restart.

However, a 72-hour lockdown over Eid was announced by the KRG last week amid a recent increase in infections.