2020-05-13 13:24:47

Shafaq News / Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) denied on Wednesday what was reported by local media of nominating the representative of   Kurdistan Regional Government in Germany, Dilshad Barzani to fill the post of Iraqi Foreign Minister in the current federal government headed by Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.

"We deny these reports and announce that they are not true," KDP spokesman , Mahmoud Mohamed said in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency.

The spokesman called on the media to "rely on the correct sources and avoid false news."

The Secretary of the Political Bureau of KDP, Fadhel Mirani, said in a statement made to journalists yesterday that "KDP entitlement from the sovereign ministries in the federal government as announced is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, adding that" We will present our candidate for this ministry and before the nomination, we should communicate with the blocs in the Iraqi parliament .