2020-05-09 12:36:59

Shafaq News / The member of Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) attributed the reason for the Kurdish component waiver on a ministerial portfolio due constitutionally for Kurds to passing the governments of Adel Abdul Mahdi and Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.

"The Kurds share in the cabinet is 4 ministries, but we have given up one of the ministries, specifically KDP since the government of Adel Abdul-Mahdi and that’s to speed up passing the government and its formation,” Bashar Al-Kiki told Shafaq News

"We followed the same path in Al-Kadhimi's cabinet, and based on the apparent great desire of the Shiite component to obtain the Finance Ministry, we gave it up in exchange for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and our candidate for Foreign Affairs is still Dr. Fouad Hussein," Al-Kiki added.

“There is a political agreement to complete the ministerial cabinet before Eid Al-Fitr,” he said.

The Iraqi parliament voted on Thursday dawn to grant confidence in the ministerial curriculum of the government of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and 15 ministers in the ministerial cabinet.

Five candidates did not win the confidence of Parliament, namely, the candidate of the Ministry of Trade, Nawar Nassif Jassem, Ministry of Agriculture , Ismail Abdel-Redha, Ministry of Culture , Hisham Saleh Dawood, Ministry of Immigration and Displaced ,Thanaa Hikmat Nasser, and Ministry of Justice ,Abdul-Rahman Mustafa.

The Parliament also postponed voting on the candidates of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Oil until further notice, due to the lack of agreement to nominate the candidates.