2020-03-16 10:58:50

Shafaq News / MPs of Kirkuk governorate criticized the Iraqi government, on Monday, for not providing funds to counter the spread of Corona virus.

"The Iraqi government has not provided medical supplies as masks and sterile materials and has not disbursed any sums to Kirkuk governorate to counter the threat of an outbreak of Corona virus," Beeston Adel, a deputy from the governorate said a news conference with a number of governorate representatives.

"We will monitor restaurants and we will not allow unnecessary places to be opened, except for food stores," Adel added.

During the conference, Kirkuk MPs thanked the Health Department of the Governorate for their efforts in preventing the spread of the virus and controlling the health situation in the governorate. They also praised the "contribution of businessmen to the availability of medical supplies of masks and sterile materials for Kirkuk province."