2019-11-19 08:22:58

Shafaq News/ The Former French Foreign Minister , Bernard Kouchner stressed the need to highlight Kurdistan region as a model for peace in the region.

Kouchner's speech came during a speech on Tuesday 19/11/2019 during   (peace and security in the Middle East Forum) at the American University in Dohuk province.

Kouchner said, "I am in Duhok today in the middle of a Middle East mired in disagreement and war where Kurdistan is highlighted as a model for peace and security."

He also said that holding the forum is an important step in the right direction, calling for the need to highlight Kurdistan as a model in the region.

Kouchner added, "I visited Dohuk in the seventies and it was like a village, but today it blooms with development as well as the rest of the cities of Kurdistan, the continuous development is great for Kurdistan and its people."