2020-06-23 12:41:25

Shafaq News/ The delegation of Kurdistan Regional Government, headed by Deputy Prime Minister of the region, Qubad Talabani, arrived on Tuesday to the capital Baghdad, to resume previous discussions on the outstanding issues with the federal government.

Media spokesman for Qubad Talabani, Samir Hawrami, said in a statement today that during the third visit, the delegation is scheduled to discuss the oil file and the financial dues for Kurdistan Region; in accordance to the results and outcomes of previous negotiations conducted by the delegation of the region, with the Supreme Committee of the Iraqi government.

This is the third time that the delegation, headed by Talabani, visits Baghdad to discuss the outstanding issues.

A visit by the President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, preceded the delegation's visit to the federal capital, during which he met the three presidencies, leaders of the factions and other political figures in Baghdad.