2020-06-17 17:46:36

Shafaq News / Kurdistan's Council of Ministers held online, on Wednesday, its regular session headed by PM Masrour Barzani, and attended by his deputy, Qubad Talabani.

A government statement received by Shafaq News agency said that, "At the beginning of the meeting, discussions were held about reorganizing the expenditures in a manner consistent with the current situation and the financial capabilities available at the Ministry of Finance and Economy ".

The statement continued that the Council of Ministers discussed, "the progress of the talks with the federal government. It was decided that a delegation of the regional government will visit Baghdad next week, in order to secure the financial rights and entitlements of the region, in exchange for proceeding with its obligations, within the framework of Iraqi constitution".

Previously, the delegation of the regional government paid two visits to the capital, Baghdad, after the previous federal government headed by Adel Abdul Mahdi stopped financing the salaries of employees in the public sector in Kurdistan.

The pending issues between Erbil and Baghdad revolves over the region's share of the country's budgets, the reimbursements of the Peshmerga forces, the export of oil and the disputed areas covered by Article 140 of the permanent Iraqi constitution.

Kurdistan Regional Government has expressed, on numerous occasions, its willingness to deliver 250,000 barrels of crude oil per day in exchange for the Iraqi government’s funding of 450 billion Iraqi dinars for salaries per month.