2020-07-12 13:59:56

Shafaq News/ Kurdistan Regional Government set, on Sunday, a time limit for implementing the reform project in the Ministry of Peshmerga.

The President of the Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, supervised a closed online meeting on the reforms under way in the Peshmerga Ministry.

The Minister of Peshmerga highlighted the steps for implementing the reform law in the ministry and the requirements for implementing and reforming the reform process.

A government statement received by Shafaq News agency, said that after exchanging views and discussions about the important axes of reform in the Peshmerga Ministry by the participants in the meeting, it was decided to implement all issues related to reform in accordance with a time limit. The reforms will touch upon the arrangement and organization of units, the restructuring of the hierarchy of the ministry and the military ranks, as well as the files of retirees, disabled and martyrs and the joint cooperation between the International Alliance and the Ministry of Peshmerga.