2020-07-01 09:40:52

Shafaq news/ Kurdistan Regional Council (KRG) is due to meet on Wednesday to discuss a variety of internal issues, including relationships between Erbil and Baghdad.

The spokesman for the region's government said in a statement received by Shafaq news agency, that the government will meet today to discuss a number of issues; the most prominent of which are the talks with Baghdad.

The Council will also discuss the steps to be taken to activate the reform law in the region and its implementation mechanism, in addition to issues related to the internal situation of the region.

The Prime Minister of Kurdistan region, Masrour Barzani, met Tuesday with the delegation of negotiations with the Federal Government through a closed-door television circuit (video-conference).

The government's statement said that at the beginning of the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister, Qubad Talabani, highlighted the visit made by the delegation of the Kurdistan region to Baghdad last week, the outcomes of the talks with the federal government and the proposals for resolving the outstanding issues between the two sides.

The statement quoted Barzani saying that Kurdistan region will continue its talks with Baghdad with the purpose of reaching an agreement that guarantees its constitutional rights and entitlements; confirming that Kurdistan region is determined to defend its legitimate rights within the framework of the Iraqi constitution and will never give up.

The region's negotiating delegation headed by the deputy prime minister of the region, Qubad Talabani, went, last Tuesday, on a third round of negotiations with the federal government is Baghdad.

The Government delegation visit to Baghdad was preceded by a visit of Kurdistan region's president, Nechirvan Barzani, in which he met with the three presidencies, Leaders of powers and political parties in Baghdad.

The delegation of the regional government has already paid two visits to the capital Baghdad after the former government headed by Adel abdul Mahdi decided to suspend the funding of the salaries of employees in the public sector in Kurdistan, by the

The disagreements and pending issues between Erbil and Baghdad are revolved around on the region's share of the financial budgets, the dues of Peshmerga forces, the revenues of oil export and the disputed areas covered by article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution.

The KRG has shown on several occasions its willingness to deliver 250,000 barrels of crude oil per day in exchange for the Iraqi government's funding of the salaries of employees at 450 billion Iraqi dinars per month.