2020-02-15 11:21:38

Shafaq News / The leader of Kurdistan Islamic Union, Shirowan Shamirani revealed on Saturday that there are important conditions for the Kurdish forces in order to give confidence to the Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi and his government, noting that there are political moves to thwart the recent agreement between Baghdad and Erbil.

Shamirani told Shafaq News, that "there is no Kurdish citizen from Kurdistan region who accepts a ministry in the federal government, without being supported by the Kurdish forces in the Iraqi parliament."

He stressed that "the Kurds give and vote confidence to any government in Baghdad, based on conditions and specifications, the most important of which is the passage of the current budget for 2020, and the adoption of the agreement that occurred recently in last year between Erbil and Baghdad, regarding the oil dealings, this is a very basic condition in the case."

The leader in the Kurdistan Islamic Union said, "The implementation of these conditions cannot be implemented or abided by, without the presence of Kurdish ministers, who are trusted by the Kurdish parliamentary forces in Baghdad and for this, the Kurds must have a presence in the next cabinet."

Shamirani warned that "there is an intention by some political parties to thwart the recent agreement between the resigned Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi , the President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, and the President of Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani."

It is supposed that Allawi, who was named prime minister after a difficult consensus reached by the political blocs, will present his formation to Parliament before the second of next March to vote on it, according to what the constitution provides.