2020-06-17 14:51:26

Shafaq News / The Kurdish parties in Syria announced, on Wednesday, that they reached preliminary understandings, after the first round of talks sponsored by the United States of America and the support of the Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani and Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani.

This came in a joint statement issued by the two parties of the negotiations; the Kurdish National Council in Syria and the Kurdish National Unity parties, led by the Democratic Union Party.

The statement said that, "the delegations of the Kurdish National Council and the Kurdish national unity parties in Al-Hasaka- Syria, concluded the initial phase of the negotiations, and reached a compelling common political vision".

The statement referred to, "Duhok agreement (2014), as a basis for continuing the ongoing dialogue between the two delegations, aiming to reach a comprehensive agreement in the near future".

The two delegations stressed on the, "importance of Kurdish cooperation and unity in Syria and welcomed the achievement, as it is important historical step towards greater understanding and practical cooperation, which will benefit the Kurdish people in Syria, as well as Syrians of all components".

The statement indicated that the two delegations, "devoted their work to the great sacrifices of the sons and daughters of Syria, especially to the martyrs of Rojava and their families who sacrificed their lives in the noble fighting to protect the world from the tyranny of ISIS."

The statement added, "These understandings constitute an important first step that was reached with the assistance of the Deputy Special Envoy of the International Alliance, Ambassador William Robak and the Commander-in-Chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces, General Mazlum Abdi".

Controversies have always taken place between Kurdish parties for many years over how to administer the region, amid accusations to the Democratic Union Party of exulting the authority and tightening the grip on the rest of the other parties.