2018-01-29 16:44:00

K urdish Philharmonic Orchestra is to perform a concert in Sanandaj, capital of Kurdistan Province.

Conducted by composer Mehdi Ahmadi, the concert will feature vocalist, oud player, violinist and composer Arsalan Kamkar, 58.

“We are preparing for a special concert in Sanandaj, which will  probably be held in late winter,” Ahmadi told Mehr News Agency.

The concert will have two parts. In the first, ‘Symphony No. 5’ by German composer and pianist Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) will be performed, as well as a suite by French composer Georges Bizet (1838-1875). Famous film scores will also be performed, Ahmadi said.

“As for the second part, a number of compositions by Arsalan Kamkar will be performed, as well as some Kurdish suites I’ve composed myself,” Ahmadi added.

Vocalist and raconteur Dariush Goudarzi will accompany the orchestra in the second part.