2020-05-31 20:34:07

Shafaq News / The Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Region revealed on Sunday, an increase that it said was significant in the number of Coronavirus infections in Sulaymaniyah

 “During corona virus testing process, 101 infections were diagnosed in Sulaimaniyah, which is the largest result in a day, According to a ministry statement received by Shafaq News Agency.

The infections were of various ages, 6 infected in contact with previous patients and 93 showed symptoms of the disease as tests were positive.

The new infections were distributed according to the statement:

51 people from the residents of Pwnjown district, 42 from Sulaymaniyah, 3 from Warmawa city, while one was from Kalar, Kifri, Khanaqin and Halabja districts, and another one from the Baghdad.