2020-03-23 07:51:43

Shafaq News / The Ministry of Health in Kurdistan Region announced, on Monday morning, recording 12 new infections in Erbil, bringing the number of infections in the region to 76 cases.

A statement from Kurdistan Health Department said that the latest tests diagnosed 12 new cases of the virus in Erbil, nine of which were related to the case that was recorded in Sibiran complex.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Region decided to put a housing complex west of the capital, Erbil, under quarantine.

A source in the province’s health told Shafaq News that the ministry’s decision came after the discovery of the return of a person in an unofficial manner, from Iran then to Sulaimaniyah passing to Sibiran complex of Khabat district located in western Erbil, without being subjected to the tests or quarantine from Corona virus.

The information was based on a report submitted by the people that there is a person infected with the virus.

He added that the infected person works for an oil company and a representative of an American company that sells medicines and cosmetics and delivers them to homes.

The source said that the ministry is conducting tests of the complex's population of more than 5,000 people