2020-06-03 11:26:08

Shafaq News / 104 new cases of Corona virus have been registered within the past 24 hours, mounting up the total number of cases to 849 cases, The Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) announced.

These infections were diagnosed as a result of 1496 tests within the past 24 hours, a ministry statement received by Shafaq News Agency read.

The infections were distributed as follows: 6 in Erbil, 46 in Sulaimaniyah - 39 in the city center, 6 in Garmyan administration and one in Raparin Administration (Rania).

Dohuk Governorate also recorded a record jump, diagnosing 52 infections.

Thus, the cumulative number of infection in Kurdistan Region mounted to 849 cases, 14 fatalities, 434 recoveries, and 401 cases under medical care.