2020-06-07 13:45:53

Shafaq News / The security authorities in Kurdistan Region decided on Sunday to extend the travel ban between the provinces until mid-June.

“The region’s Ministry of Interior decided to extend the travel ban between the provinces of Erbil and Sulaymaniyah, Dohuk and Halabja, and the two independent administrations “Raprin and Karmian” from 7/7/2020 to 15/6/2020 , “Ministry of Interior of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) said in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency.

The Ministry has kept working with the electronic form system (allow people to move between provinces) to move between its provinces and local administration, but the ministry stipulated that this approval will not be granted but by utmost necessity.

The statement allowed members of the Iraqi parliament from the Kurdish blocs, and other non-Kurds MPs who reside in the region to move between other Iraqi provinces and Kurdistan Region, but taking into account abiding with health instructions.

The statement indicated that movement is permitted for foreign diplomats and international coalition forces between the provinces and independent departments.

Likewise, movement is permitted for international agencies and the (UN) mission in Kurdistan Region in coordination with joint operations centers and the crisis cell in the region's Ministry of Interior.

The statement noted to granting the movement license for telecommunications companies and oil companies by the Ministry of Interior / Directorate of the Ministry's office in coordination with the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Ministry of Natural Resources.