2020-05-06 13:11:16

Shafaq News / The Minister of Education of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Alan Hama Saeed warned on Wednesday of losing school academic year 2020-2021 if the region is exposed to a second wave of Corona virus by the fall semester.

"We should not only think in the current school year, as we must think carefully about saving the next academic year because if we are exposed to a second wave of Corona virus in the fall semester, then all educational centers should be closed," Hama Saeed said while being hosted by the region's parliament session today.

"There are no guarantees that corona virus will end in Kurdistan Region," noting that "we have agreed, in agreement with the Council of Ministers, to open the instructing centers to conduct final exams from the first to the eleventh grade”.

KRG declared on Monday the resumption of its sessions on Wednesday to discuss "the plan of the ministries of higher education and scientific research, and the Ministry of Education on how to deal with Corona pandemic and its impact on the education process for the current year.