2020-03-07 11:40:59

Shafaq News / The Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs of Kurdistan Region issued a statement on Saturday distancing itself from the statements of its director of relations, Marion Naqshbandi.

The ministry stated in a statement today that Naqshbandi's statements do not in any way express the official opinion of the ministry.

The Ministry commended the position and standing of the Supreme Council for Fatwa in Kurdistan Region, stressing the good and solid relations between the Council and the Ministry.

The director of public relations at the ministry, Mariwan Naqshbandi, said in a statement to the Voice of America radio station, the Kurdish Language Department, today, that " that anyone who dies from Corona virus is a martyr and this is a cause for concern ... and also unacceptable because of the possible misinterpretations among people."

He added, "God is the one who grants the degree of martyrdom, and the Fatwa Council has no right to determine who enters Paradise and who enters Hell.

The council had issued a fatwa a few days ago, in which it considered a person who had died as a result of the virus is "a martyr".