2020-05-04 13:49:41

Shafaq News / The President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani expressed his grief on Monday over the death of well-known Kurdish artist Saeed Kabari.

President Barzani said in a statement, "We received with sorrow the news of the death of the famous Kurdish artist, Saeed Kabari. On this sad occasion, we offer condolences to his family, relatives, friends and companions, and share their sorrows. We pray to God to satisfy his soul in heaven and inspire everyone with patience and solace."

He added, "The artist Saeed Kabari, a sincere and authentic Kurdish voice, has served Kurdish singing and music for many years, and during the revolution period he chanted many enthusiastic songs about the struggle and the Peshmerga."

"He left behind a rich musical and rich archive, and his memory as a mighty artist will always be alive through his works and productions."

For his part, the Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, expressed his regret for receiving the news of Kabari's death.

He said in a statement of condolence that "the artist Saeed Kabari provided great services to Kurdish art and through his songs played a remarkable role in supporting Peshmerga."

The well-known Kurdish artist, Saeed Kabari died on Monday at the age of 64.

A medical source told Shafaq News, that Kabari died in the early hours of this morning in the "Sardam" hospital in Erbil city, the capital of Kurdistan Region, after his health deteriorated.

Kabari's health condition deteriorated a few days ago as a result of a severe illness, and he was taken to hospital for treatment.

Kabari is from Al-Hasakah city in Kurdistan of Syria, was known to have revolutionary songs as well as folklore, and has a wide audience.

Born in 1956, the artist has been married and has 8 children as he made his way in the art field for more than four decades ago.