2020-03-05 08:53:43

Shafaq News / The Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani and the President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani presented a congratulation on the 29th  anniversary of March 1991 uprising against the former regime, which enabled the Kurds to have autonomy for Kurdistan Region.

Barzani tweeted, "I salute and congratulate the people of Kurdistan on the 29th anniversary of the uprising against the dictatorial regime of Saddam Hussein. Our people have presented an unshakable message that it will never accept injustice."

For his part, the President of Kurdistan Region said, "An uprising that was one of the major historical monuments of our people, expressed the belief and will of the people of Kurdistan for a free and dignified life and its refusal of injustice and oppression, crowned by the struggle and sacrifices of Peshmerga forces , the people , unity of the political parties and components and all the people of Kurdistan, so protecting its gains is the duty and responsibility of all parties and components and everyone in Kurdistan, and an expression of loyalty to the pure souls of our heroic martyrs and all our victims for the sake of our liberation. "

He added, "The heroic spirit of your steadfastness, in addition to the tolerance you showed during the uprising, is the result of the same human-loving culture that was an inspiration and a road map for all uprisings and revolutions in Kurdistan, including this uprising. The pride of the people will continue generation after generation, as this uprising and your will that have proven that it is impossible for any aggression, arrogance and repression to break the will of the people of Kurdistan in a free life and its national goals. "

He said, "Dear Kurds, the uprising is a living proof of the fact that unity and cohesion among the parties and components of Kurdistan and internal reconciliation are always marching towards our people towards victory and more pride, so national goals and ensuring a decent life in the struggle and sacrifices of our people and a brighter future for our children, calling all parties and every individual in Kurdistan to work in a way that serves and enhances the spirit of cohesion and the foundations of coexistence, tolerance and peace. Let the memory of the uprising give more energy and will for us in order to unite the rank and cohesion and serve the people and the country. "