2020-03-30 11:31:32

Shafaq News / The Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Region announced on Monday that it has recorded 22 cases of Corona virus during the past 24 hours in the region.

The ministry said in a statement that during the past 24 hours, 500 people underwent laboratory tests, as follows: 324 in Erbil, 120 in Sulaymaniyah, and 56 in Dohuk.

The statement added that the results showed recording 22 new infections with Corona virus distributed as follows: Erbil, 8 positive cases, four of whom are male and reach the age of (40, 37, 32, 31), and four females of ages (32, 16, 14, 2), indicating that three infections were in quarantine  returning from France, and the fifth was in contact with the infected person from Khleifan sub-district.