2020-04-02 10:41:21

Shafaq News / The Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Region expected on Thursday that the people infected with Corona virus in the region would increase.

Health Minister Saman Al-Barzanji said in a statement to "Voice of America Radio ", the Kurdish language department that "the dangers of the spread of Corona virus in Kurdistan are increasing day after day because the virus has become present in society and constitutes a threat to the provinces of the region as a whole."

He stressed that until now, no treatment for the virus and the drug used is not new and has been used in the region, Iraq and throughout the world.

Sulaimaniyah Provincial Health Department endorsed the minister’s statement and the department’s spokesperson, Yad Naqshbandi told Shafaq News, “We expect an increase in the record of infections with Corona virus in the coming days in Sulaimaniyah, because the virus has spread to the community,” noting that “cases have been recorded in Sulaimaniyah for people who did not travel previously but were carrying the virus by coming into contact with infected people. "

Naqshbandi attributed the increased infections to "the failure of citizens to comply with health guidelines and instructions, as well as curfews.