2020-03-14 07:26:05

Shafaq News / The management of Haji Omran International Border Complex stressed on Saturday the truck drivers in Kurdistan Region who are going to Iran to bring goods , the necessity of applying the instructions to prevent corona virus infection, noting that any driver who does not comply with the instructions will be excluded.

"In order to maintain public safety and prevent the outbreak of Corona virus, Haji Omran international border outlet calls the attention of truck drivers to adhere to health and preventive instructions, to stay away from crowded places and avoid crowds when they go inside the market in Iran's customs," the administration said in a statement today.

"Truckers should not go to cafeterias, restaurants and shops in Iran," the statement said, stressing the necessity for the driver to wear special health clothing and to place a mask on the face, wearing gloves in hands, and sterilize inside the truck and its door handles.

The statement pointed out that any driver who does not abide by these instructions will not be allowed to continue his work by transporting goods    will be excluded from "Haj Omran" border crossing.