2020/05/23 12:29:36

Shafaq News / The Kurdish leader, President of Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), Masoud Barzani expressed on Saturday his regret over the conditions in Kurdistan Region and the new challenges it is facing as a result of the emergence of Corona virus.

Barzani said that on the occasion of blessed Eid Al-Fitr, we extend our warmest congratulations to the Muslims of the world and Iraq in general and Muslims in Kurdistan in particular. We also congratulate the families of the honorable martyrs and the heroes of Kurdistan Peshmerga, and all employees of the security and health institutions in Kurdistan as well as all related parties who exerted a lot of efforts during the previous months in order to protect the safety of citizens. "

" Kurdistan Region is unfortunately passing through sensitive and abnormal situations facing new challenges because of Corona epidemic, as well as the political crises in Iraq, and the poor local and global economic conditions. Therefore, we take the opportunity of Eid Al-Fitr to call the political parties in Kurdistan Region to be at the level of assuming the national responsibilities and to choose the path of harmony, brotherhood and unity in order to face challenges and overcome the current abnormal stage. "

Barzani called "all political parties to solidarity with each other and work towards addressing the problems of citizens and removing obstacles in front of the people of Kurdistan, instead of trying to make inter-ethnic differences and overthrow others"

The Kurdish leader added by saying, "On this blessed occasion, we wish happiness to all the dear citizens of Kurdistan, and we pray to the Great God to accept the worship and fasting of all Muslims, for this holiday becomes an occasion for the end of terrorism and suffering along with the return of safety and calm to all humanity."