2020-05-07 21:33:25

Shafaq News / The Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) announced on Thursday that the Supreme Committee of combating the novel Corona Virus will issue its decision regarding the reopening of mosques in the region next Monday.

A ministry statement was received by Shafaq News, thanked the imams of the mosques and worshipers who abided by the instructions and decisions of the Supreme Committee to combat Corona virus in Kurdistan Region, as this contributed to protecting the lives of citizens, indicating that the whole world bears witness to the decisions of KRG and the commitment of citizens.

The statement announced the Supreme Committee will issue a decision regarding reopening mosques to the clergy and citizens that next Monday, May 11, according to the recommendations and the possibility of obtaining appropriate health conditions,.

The statement pointed out that the measures that will be adhered from now on, aim for everyone to fulfill their religious and national duties and responsibilities in order to protect the health of citizens.