2020-05-12 13:03:47

Shafaq News / The Kurdish leader of Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) Masoud Barzani, recalled on Tuesday the 46th anniversary of the execution of Kurdish politician , Layla Qassim.

" Today marks the 46th anniversary of the execution of Layla Qassim by the dictatorial Ba’thist regime in Baghdad. May her soul rest in eternal peace. The martyrdom of Layla Qassim shall forever remain in Kurdish memory.," Barzani tweeted.

Layla Qassim was born in 1952, a Kurdish politician. She was born in Khanaqin city on January 27, 1952, and was an active members in KDP in the early seventies of the last century.

She began her undergraduate studies at the College of Arts at the University of Baghdad in the Department of Sociology in 1971, and on April 29, 1974 she was arrested by the Iraqi government then she and her companions were executed on May 12 of 1974.