2020-06-09 14:39:35

Shafaq News / The Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Masrour Barzani received on Tuesday, a delegation from the International coalition headed by the Deputy Commander of the Joint Task Forces of the International coalition for Iraq and Syria, General Gerald Strickland.

In the meeting, which was attended by the American Consul General in Erbil Steven Fagin , the importance of enhancing coordination between the Peshmerga forces, the international coalition forces, and the Iraqi army was discussed in order to address the threats of ISIS terrorists.

KRG Prime Minister highlighted the government reform process in the administrative and financial fields, particularly the reform steps in Peshmerga Ministry.

In light of the relations with the federal government in Baghdad, the prime minister stressed the need to resolve the outstanding disputes in a fair and radical manner, based on the constitution.

The Deputy Commander of the Joint Task Forces of the International coalition stressed the importance of continuing to provide support and assistance to Peshmerga forces, particularly in the military training field.