2020-07-14 12:46:00

Shafaq News / Military Adviser to the President of Kurdistan Region, Lieutenant General Babaker Zebari, stated on Tuesday that the Peshmerga forces have instituted fixed military points to establish a defensive line in the areas of Mount Matin and northern Zakho, stressing that this action will restore stability to the area and halt the progress of Turkish forces.

Zebari said in a special statement to Shafaq News agency that the Peshmerga forces deployment aims to impose security and stability in the border areas that witness armed clashes between the Turkish army and PKK fighters.

The former chief of staff of the Iraqi army, Babaker Zebari, criticized the presence of PKK fighters inside the territories of Kurdistan Region since it became a federal entity, "the presence of this party in the region since 1991 has brought calamities to the Region".

Turkish aircraft and artillery have been bombing border areas in Kurdistan region over the past few weeks, under the pretext of the presence of the anti-Ankara PKK fighters.

The attacks led to human and material losses in the border villages inside Kurdistan Region, which provoked the condemnation of the regional and the Iraqi government, which summoned the Turkish ambassador to Baghdad more than once.